Little demo game for the EDaDS one-button game jam (theme: elemental). This was originally going to be a lot bigger, with more elementals, power ups, in-game elemental switches etc, but I had less than a day in total to work on it and was coding and drawing everything myself from the ground up, so I opted for a demo. Sorry for the lack of sound x]

Use the SPACE bar to fly your elemental through the obstacles. Each elemental can pass through some obstacles but not others. (Note the FIRE elemental is the only one playable at the moment, which can pass through the vines, but not the rock or water). Can you make it to the end?

(Without the time for proper balancing, this game frustrates even me, so it'd be great to know if anyone makes it to the end!)

I'll probably come back to this at a later date, adding better visuals, more elementals (at the moment only featured on the title page), music, SFX etc. Would be interested to know if anyone would like to see that :)

Credits: Art, programming, design, etc (c) me!

Made withUnity


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Really cool concept! I think what could make it better is if the vertical and lateral movement speeds were swapped (e.g, can move up/down faster than it scrolls). It might help make it easier to maneuver between the obstacles.

Thanks for the advice. I know it needs some work so that's something I'll certainly consider (it is a bit eye bleedingly fast, and I actually slowed it down from the original) :D 

I don’t think speed is the root issue. It’s that the player might nit make it to the right height before the next obstacle arrives because of the position they started at. For example, the player could pass an obstacle that left them at the top of the level while the next obstacle needs them to be at the bottom.

nice  game

Thank you :)