Day 4 of the Blackthornprod pass the game challenge, and I'm expanding on Pizza-ed! (Unity) by Thomas Bringer ( . I loved the way this game expanded on the previous days' "Bullet Hell" version to create something very different, and I really wanted to make sure it made it through to day 5, even if it meant just adding a few little things :)

My contributions: Added a main menu. music and SFX, and player and enemy health bars.

PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE PROJECT FILES HERE: (they reached the itch limit)

Development Log--

Day 1: Bullet hell - Day 1 by shelhelix (

Day 2: Bullet Hell Day 2 by Barney (

Day 3: Pizza-ed! (Unity) by Thomas Bringer (


Original mechanics by shelhelix. Artwork by Thomas Bringer. Development by shelhelix, Barney, Thomas Bringer and myself.

Music: Neon Gaming | Royalty-free Music - Pixabay by dopestuff


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I'll continue this project today.

Great! Look forward to seeing it ^_^

Hey, dev #3 here! Loved your additions including the sounds, thanks for expanding!